"Green Way Bulgaria" Ltd. is a company dedicated to popularise and encourage activities that protect the environment. We aim at fostering the optimal usage of resources and, since they are scarce, this is a direct and quite important factor on the way to preserve our environment. Our firm also relishes the treasuring of human health by offering biodegradable products. Another example is our invitation to participate in the foundation of the "Association of importers and producers of Bio products".

I – Bulgarian market is in need of those products. For the increasing appeal of these types of commodities we could tell by the numerous contacts by leading chain retailers. We were already directly invited to sell by some and we are negotiating with others. Among them we can find the names of top chain grocery and other stores, leaders in the field of catalogue trade.

II – We offer the first and only biodegradable packages. One of our biggest projects includes supplying the first truly biodegradable products on the Balkan Peninsula. Being a 100% eco- and bio-oriented company, we are pioneers on the Bulgarian market by offering biodegradable materials made from "BSR" (biodegradable starch resin). Using this substance, one could manufacture biodegradable refuse sacks, household waste sacks and other popular polythene-based products.

III – Our products are truly biodegradable. The term "biodegradable" refers to the ability of a given material to disintegrate under the effect of micro organisms such as bacteria, fungi, and algae. The products of that activity are simply water and carbon dioxide (CO2). Our bags are 100% biodegradable and made from renewable plant material. They are recognisable via touch – the matter is extremely gentle, soft, and elastic, also known as "peach skin".

IV – Our waste bags degrade much faster than any other on the market.

The mechanism of bio disintegration occurs in two phases:

Fragmentation as a result of a physic-chemical degradation. The preliminary fragmentation elapses for 36 months, which is obvious from the advertisements on the bags currently on the market. The degradation happens due to several mechanisms. One of them is the fragmentation of oxy-degradable bags by oxidisers. Another process is a type of photo-disintegration caused by light (UV) rays. The purpose at this point is for the matter to fall apart to tiny particles (figures 1 and 2). The fragmentation could even stop here if the product is not of organic origin.

By using our organic "BSR" product, this preliminary process occurs as early as during the production process in the factory. Thus, we greatly shorten the whole cycle of degradation. In our case, this precursory phase is skipped and the bags directly begin biodegrading. Because of this, the cycle of our commodities is times shorter, easier and less dependent on external factors.

Bio assimilation and mineralisation. In our case, degradation begins as soon as the product is placed in the soil. Preliminary fragmentation is unnecessary since the size of the molecules, of which our product is comprised, is smaller than 1 micron. This is evident from the patent documentation. If oxygen is present, a transformation with the assistance of starch micro organisms begins, which is set in water and carbon dioxide (figure 3).

Bio assimilation and mineralisation. In our case, degradation begins as soon as the product is placed in the soil. Click for a larger image.

V – Products in compliance with ISO 14855

Our commodities are the only ones that comply with ISO 14855. This standard defines the term "Biodegradability" and is based on the aerobic biodegradation of organic plastic. This standard resembles the typical anaerobic compostable conditions. It also simulates the conditions of our landfills, the only requirement being air. The final products are water and carbon dioxide. Compliance with ISO 14855 proves that our products are truly biodegradable.

VI – Our product is patented

Our products are made from BSR (biodegradable starch resin).

BSR is new not only to the Bulgarian but also to the world market. It has been patented by EPO under EP 0781807B1. This patent is publicly available so you could further familiarise yourselves with the essence and mechanism of production of BSR. Thanks to the new technology no polythene is found at the end of the process, only organic substances. All research conducted on biodegradable products has been unsuccessful until 2003 but with the introduction of this patent all existing considerable problems have been resolved.

BSR is also patented in the USA under number 5 654 353.

VII – No residue left after degradation

Thanks to the patented process, our products directly begin biodegrading. The first phase has already occurred during the process of production. By observing the photo material of the patent we can conclude that the particles resulting from the process of biodegradation are less than 1 micron in diameter. According to international policies, all particles smaller than 1 micron are not considered to cause pollution. In comparison, a human hair is 50 microns thick.

This problem persists among other bags such as oxy-degradable, photo-degradable, oxy-bio-degradable, and photo-bio-degradable. In their case, the particles are much larger than 1 micron. They are actually polythene ribbons which still pollute since they don't change their size while staying in the soil.

By buying our commodities you:

  1. Are the first to take advantage of this niche, since the need of these products on the Bulgarian market is obvious;
  2. Use the first biodegradable packaging products in Bulgaria;
  3. Use a product made from renewable material;
  4. Help shorten the degradation cycle of one of the polluters – the current polythene bags on the market;
  5. Comply with European policies;
  6. Use a patented product;
  7. ALL of us together help reduce the pollution and foster the preservation of our environment in lasting and truly effective manner.

Possible products from BSR:

  • Agriculture films
  • Garbage bags (with/without poly drawstring)
  • Merchandise bags (T-shirt bag / shopping bag)
  • Promotional bags
  • Special inside/outside packaging
  • Furniture films
  • Courier bags

With kind regards from the Green Way team



If you have any further questions, please don’t hesitate to contact us.

  • Phone: +359 2 825 71 00
  • E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.